Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
Calebs Airplane
daringhart... thanks! -
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
Calebs Airplane
Wow... Thanks Morpheus... Looks like the GB 2.0 need to disfellowship at least 4 of themselves. -
Governing Body Obesity
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this subject has been covered recently but i thought i'd make this observation anyway.... i remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the wt publications, in convention talks, etc.. in fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence.
i haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so i'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses.
but i can't help but notice how much heavier the gb 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes.
Calebs Airplane
Not sure if this subject has been covered recently but I thought I'd make this observation anyway...
I remember when the word "gluttony" was a frequently mentioned sin in public talks, in the WT publications, in convention talks, etc.. In fact, in the 80's and 90's it wasn't unusual to hear the words "gluttony" and "disfellowship" mentioned in the same sentence. I haven't been to a meeting in over 5 years, so I'm not sure if they still harp on the subject of gluttony or other excesses. But I can't help but notice how much heavier the GB 2.0 has become compared to previous regimes. Geoffrey Jackson, Samuel Herd, Tony The Turd and Gerritt Losch could all stand to lose at least 30 pounds. Lett burns a lot of calories with his frequent face spasms so he's not too bad. That said, I suspect the new regime is really enjoying their newly acquired rock star status in every way possible. I actually wonder if they even eat at Bethel or simply walk out the back door to a waiting limo that takes them to gourmet restaurants.
Nevertheless, I'm curious to know if gluttony is still mentioned from time to time as a sin. Or perhaps the new (and much heavier) GB has given the rank and file permission to indulge in the guilty pleasure of stuffing their faces so they can do the same.
Any insight into this subject from "still in" JWs would be appreciated... Thanks!
Who oversees the money for the WT?
by John Aquila inwhen the wt sells property for a billion dollars profit, who decides what that money is going to be used for?.
when all the money comes in from all the kingdom halls bank accounts worldwide, did all that money go into one big account and who has authority to spend it and cut some checks to whoever?
when all the monthly donations come in to the watchtower headquarters, who decides distribution, and to who?
Calebs Airplane
The Rothschild family. -
Demoted from elder to MS, anybody ever heard of this?
by Naoscillator inso a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
Calebs Airplane
I've seen this happen once in the mid-90s in Puerto Rico (which is a US territory). Multiple complaints to the CO over a period of several years about uncaring elders in my congo eventually led to a revamp very similar to the OP. But the CO did not make any changes and allowed this behavior from the COBE for way too long. In fact, he only took action after the Field Circus hours and rag placements dropped significantly. -
Disfellowshipped people are quickly reinstated / Japan
by nakanozzi ini hear a number of disfellowshiped are quickly reinstated in acertain circuit in disfellowshipped person who are obviously in worldly.
clothings, attended a meeting.whole congregation thought that person was not yet sincerely repented,but, announcement was made that the person was reinstated.branch office and circuit overseers are eager to bringdisfellowshiped back to the organization.local elders are not very pleased about it..
Calebs Airplane
Corporations only fire people if they're easily replaceable. -
by DATA-DOG inwell, once again my "friend" has shared their notes with me from the latest co visit.
besides the usual 1914 assertions/ world getting worse all the time/ our day is the worst of all time nonsense, the co mentioned some interesting things.
number one won't surprise you.
Calebs Airplane
The great tribulation has already started...
... invisibly
The new Governing Body is liberal. they are really freeminders!
by rege brazzy indear friends, your posts are very good, but we really think that they will change many things soon...for example.
watch tower now are feminist and they protect the gay cause.soon we will have many gay marriages in kingdom will see.that governing body is really cool.ted jaracz and john barr were the last puritans in the governing body!.
the current governing body is completely liberal, but as yet has some bethelites the old guard working, they are still holding some behaviors .... but very soon you will see ... even in my congregation is very liberal ... not here disassociates for immorality .. just for apostasy ... i fucked three sister, but the elders did not shunned me, but they only help me!
Calebs Airplane
Tony the Turd will come out of the closet in a few years and ask David Splane to do the same. Soon thereafter, there will be "Nu-Lite" wherein closet gay JWs will be allowed to be microphone holders. -
Are the Governing Body Members Mentally Ill?
by Oubliette indata-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
Calebs Airplane
They all suffer from varying degrees of NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)... -
Why Is This New Batch of Governing Body Members So Stupid?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwell there are lots of reason for sure, denial, delusion, wishful thinking, ego maniac, infantile understanding of ancient writings, satanophobia, xenophobia, out of touch with reality, limited choices scrapping the bottom of the barrel,and many more.. listen to this ted talk and see if you can pick out something that helps explain why these guys are such ass holes:.
organizations are often run according to the superchicken model, where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others.
and yet, this isnt what drives the most high-achieving teams.
Calebs Airplane
I believe the main reason for their increasing foolishness lies in their narcissistic personality disorder which has essentially resulted in an overly inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for constant admiration from the rank & file and an extreme sense of entitlement. This continuously eroding mental disorder causes the governing body to say and do even more foolish things as time goes by because they strongly believe that they really don't owe any explanations to anyone for any of their actions or statements.